Microblading Contra indications
Microblading isn't for everyone. Microblading along with semi permanent make up has contra - indictions that may restrict the treatment from happening or prevent it going ahead. Below I have listed some of the contra indictions and how you can proceed if any of the below affect you and how you can proceed.
- Botox/fillers - For anyone who has had botox or fillers it is advised you wait 3 weeks after having them to get microblading. Botox and fillers can change the shape of your face so it is essential to let those treatments settle before having microblading done. You wouldn't want wonky brows now!
- Brow/face lift - you should wait at least 3 months after a brow or facelift to have any microblading. Your face will take this amount of time to settle down, from your operatio. Like with botox and fillers your do not want wonky brows.
- Diabetes - If you are diabetic you should be aware of more bleeding, bruising and healing will be longer. When healing after microblading people with diabetes have poor healing, because there is less oxygen supply to the tissues and fewer blood vessels. Aside from this, elevated blood sugar makes you prone to infection, because it lowers your immune system. Therefore with some diabetic client who must get permission from a doctor as certain medication may have to be given to help with sugar levels.
-Anaemia - If you are anaemic you may bleed more and take longer to heal. The pigments used with the microblading are iron oxide based. If your body isn’t producing enough iron, the ink may not retain as well as the body will absorb the pigment faster.
If you have low iron levels you must take iron supplements before and after your treatment.
- Eye disorders - these could be something such as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is very contagious and can be passed from client to therapist, it is therefore essential clients should wait until healed before having microblading done.
- Steroids - if you are on any steroid medication or creams it is important to not have been on them for a while before having microblading, in some cases this could be 6months. Steroids can cause thinning of the skin. Some products that you may find steroids are in Cortisone steroids, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova, even some of your inhaler pumps contain a steroid.
- Blooding thinning medication - this could be medication such as Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen. You should not take any of these medications within 48hours of you treatment. Alcohol and caffeine are also blood thinning drinks, so try to avoid these before going aswell.
- High blood pressure and heart conditions - While this may not actually prevent you from having microblading done, we’d always ask for written permission from your doctor first. We list this as a contraindication as it’s always best to be on the side of caution as we won’t know the severity of your condition nor will we know what medication you’re taking.
- Oily Skin - Clients with oily skin cannot retain the pigment so well. There are adaptions that can be made to the microblading treatment, such as the blade used. Oily skin clients may need more sessions. Don't be disheartened if you are turned away because your skin is not suitable, as a therapist we are doing it in your best interest. Other options that could be more suitable for oily skin is machine semi permanent make up.
- Under 18 - If you are under the age of 18, you cannot have any microblading or semi permanent make up.
-Pregnant/ breastfeeding - There are a number of reasons why breastfeeding and expectant mums cannot have microblading. Most importantly there are no studies on the effects of pigments used in microblading and the chemicals they contain, or how they can affect the fetus, It's best not to risk the safety of your baby for well-groomed eyebrows.
Pregnancy can affect your blood circulation, and may make you more likely to bleed. Excess bleeding may lead to below average microblading results, since it could fade the pigment or impact its absorption into the skin.
Pregnancy can also lead faces to swell and bloat, once this had gone after pregnancy it may result in wonky brows.
- Chemotherapy/radiotheraphy - Microblading is a great treatment to have for clients who have gone through treatments that have caused hair loss. BUT microblading is not suitable for clients who are about to have treatment, just post treatment and clients going through treatment at the time.
Pre chemotherapy/radiotherapy - microblading causes shallow cuts which need at least 4 weeks for them to heal, therefore you MUST not have microblading done until you are after the healing time. Saying that to get the most out of the microblading you will need to come back for a top up after that initial 4 weeks and you will then need a further 4 weeks to recover, so it is recommended that you have microblading no later than 8/9weeks prior to chemo/radiotherapy.
During chemo/radiotherapy - your body is already weak from the hospital treatment that you are receiving and therefore healing brows at this time would be slower leaving you more at risk for infection. Let your body during this time fight the hospital treatment.
After chemo/radiotherapy - it is recommended you wait till you are over the hospital treatment before having microblading, you body is still recovering after some heavy fighting and your immune system is at all tie low. Medication also may interfere with some of th healing time of the brows and the pigments. Doctors notes will be essential after chemo/radiotherapy.
- Psorisis, Ezcema, dermatitis - all these skin conditions can make your skin not the perfect candidate for microblading. Psorisis can cause inflammatory of the skin, it can cause the skin to have thick and scaly plaques which may keep the microblading strokes from being visible, or the strokes might appear too deep in the skin resulting in grey blurry lines. Ezcema and dematitis can shed the skin frequently resulting in quick pigment loss.
- Keloid scarring - it is essential you do not get microblading done if you have experienced keloid scarring anyway. When skin is injured, fibrous tissue called scar tissue forms over the wound to repair and protect the injury. In some cases, scar tissue grows excessively, forming smooth, hard growths called keloids. There is a small, but real, chance that microblading may cause keloid formation, but only in those individuals who are prone to developing them, to begin with. If you have or are prone to developing raised scars (keloid) in the procedure area, you will be at risk of keloid formation from a tattoo.
-Hyper-pigmentation is something where patches of skin are darker in areas than others. Treating someone who
already has hyperpigmentation in other areas may trigger it in the brow area. Microblading should not be done on
pigmented areas aswell.
-Haemophilia - is a rare condition that affects the blood's ability to clot. Therefore the cuts that are made during microblading will struggle to clot and heal and cause overbreeding. Treatment must not be done on clients with this.
-HIV, hepatitis -Clients with these diseases are highly contagious and cannot be treated for microblading.