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New cancellation policy!

My cancellation policy has slightly change....

Being a small business and working for myself, for each appointment I have booked in, I rally myself around. I need to ensure firstly I have the appropriate child care for my 3 children, I have to ensure that I have the correct equipment ready, ensure the lights are on and the temperture is good in my cabin well before your appointments (you don't want to be too cold or hot during your visit.)

As a policy I ask you to please inform me if you wish to cancel or change. I am not a large company and I cannot necessarily fill the space within a short amount of time. I rely on all you fabulous people to make my business what it is.

This is where my cancellation fees have changed. I ask you to let me know if you wish to cancel or change an appointment no later than 48hours before, this gives me time to fill the space.

BUT If you inform me less than 48hours I will have to charge you 50% of the treatment price.

Less than 24hours notice and it will be 100% of the treatment cost.

If you don't turn up for your appointment then Im afraid I won't be able toybook you in again. It only requires 1 minute to cancel your appointment, so please have the courtesy to do so.

Now I do know that sometimes things happen out of our hands and we have to cancel late notice, and that is why I do take each case into consideration.


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